Since the past few days, illegitimate scammers are calling several Nepali residents in Canada using 613-680-5513 (Embassy of Nepal) number, identifying themselves as staff member of Embassy of Nepal, deceiving the receiver is in fraud list maintained by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC- formerly CIC) and demand certain amount of money to take off from the list. They may speak in Nepali, English or even Hindi Language and threat you to deport from Canada. This is false and we advise our members not to believe such but hung up the line and report to embassy of Nepal immediately at 613 680 5513. Embassy, IRCC or any federal/provincial/municipal authorities do not contact individuals for this reason verbally. Embassy of Nepal also do no intervene or get involved in any immigration related issues directly.
This type of scamming is popularly known as Caller ID spoofing. Scammers change the information that appears on the Caller ID display to misrepresent themselves.
We also advise our members not to share any personal information such as SIN, Date of Birth, Passport number etc. Never get involved in sending/receiving money to/from such sources. If you suspect fraud or have been involved in financial activities, report it to your local police or the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (1-888-495-8501).
You can also register your landline/cell number in the National Do Not Call List going to
Read the news release published by Embassy of Nepal, Canada regarding this.